Basement Services

Foundation Repair in Minnesota

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Foundation Repair Minnesota

We Fix Sinking Foundations

Get the best foundation repair solutions on the market alongside an experienced family-based crew who will work hard for you.
Family-Owned Business for Over 50 Years
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Satisfied customers

⚠️ Signs of Foundation Failure ⚠️

Cracked or unstable foundations will not only lessen the value of your home, but they are an unnecessary safety hazard for all.

Outside the House
  • Gaps around doors and windows
  • Cracks in foundation
  • Stair step cracks in brick walls
  • Chimneys tilting or pulling away

Inside the House
  • Cracks in drywall
  • Doors and windows that stick
  • Cracks in floors and tile
  • Misaligned doors and windows

Inside the Garage
  • Separating from door
  • Walls rotating out
  • Stair step cracks in brick wall

Piering and Stabilization Basement Wall Repair

🌟  Expansive soil
Expansive soil is one of the problems where the soil expands when wet and shrinks and drops when dry.
🌊  dry periods
In dry periods the foundations have a tendency to crack and settle, causing internal walls to crack and sometimes pull apart.
🏠  Stabil-Loc System
That’s where the Stabil-Loc System comes into play.

Is Your Home’s Foundation Failing?

We’ll help get the job done right, so you don’t have to worry about further damage in the future.

Advantages of the Stabil-Loc System

Deepest driven pier on the market

Installed directly under the load

Interior or exterior installation

Unique interlocking, high strength steel

No brackets, no bolts, no breaking the footing

Patented – US 8,206,063 B2 load bearing design

Engineer certified 10+ safety factor

No offset loads
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Serving Since 1965
4.7 Star Google Rating
4.7/5 Google rating
Stabil-Loc Certified
Stabil-Loc Pros
Rainy season is just around the corner! First come first serve.